Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Extinct reptile cheats death

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If you have, you may continue with intact conscience and expand your dreams with the once beautiful Enjirachs, and ponder how to expose your players (if you have any) to their unforgotten urge of revenge. Before I leave you with their hooks and teeth I'd like to humbly remind you of the poll to the left... and say that if you think of purple as a girly colour, you may now reconsider your disposition. Purple is the colour of the Sahasrara (crown chakra) and is, in some traditions, understood as the gateway to sexless, non-dual Eternity. As any Enjirach would tell you; Death is not the end.


TERRAIN: Ruins and caves
FOOD: (Carnivore)
SIZE: 8 feet (240 cm) tall

AGILITY: 10-15
(If stats of a human ranges from 3 to 18)

SPEED: Running x 1,5
(Multiple is times human speed)

(Ranges from 0-100)

(If a human commoner has about 11 hit points)

AVERAGE: 0 (1)
BODY: 0 (1-2)
(If Full Plate Armour is 10)

The Enjirachs have no no skin or natural armour left to speak of. The rare specimens with richer patches of feathers left, may keep 1-2 points of protection on certain parts of their bodies.
The bones of the creatures are unusually hard, and can stand quite a substantial amount of damage before breaking apart.

1 BITE: 1-10
2 HOOK CLAWS: 1-12
(If a Long Sword causes 1-8 points of damage)

Though dead, the force of the Enjirachs' natural weapons have kept their former strength, and are used with great skill and ferocity. The magical life-force of the creatures moves their skeletons as if invisible muscles were still surrounding their ancient bones.

FEATHERS OF LIFE: The main life-force of the Enjirach was not located in the heart or the brain, but rather in its legendary feathers. Touching a single feather of the Enjirach reptile will restore several hit points and heal minor wounds, with no scarring. A night in a full bed of them can restore a two day dead person to life, with no observable traces of death. If the corpse is older still, minor brain damage, or more severe zombie-like side effects are probable. Torn off the Enjirach, the feathers fade after 10-20 healing touches, or 2-3 times of full resurrection. They then lose colour as well as their power to heal. If untouched by injured beings the magical feathers will last forever, and are easily preservable. Naturally, they are extremely rare.

The undead reptiles can heal themselves (or others if so inclined) by simply caressing themselves with their remaining feathers. The skeletal structures of bones will become whole again as long as they are held together and not completely crushed. 2-6 hit points are restored automatically each round as long as some feathers are still attached to the Enjirach. When the hit points of the creatures reach zero they are considered damaged enough to go still. However, if not properly destroyed, or stripped of feathers, the beasts may rise again the next day.

Once great feathered reptiles walked the lands. Purple and proud, their plumes played in the wind - a spectacular impression of beauty on the green prairies where they hunted. It is said the grazers were drawn to these displays of colour, like moths to light, and that the Enjirachs could feed with little exertion, as they took down the enchanted prey with hooks and jaws of dreadful power.

Men had killed these creatures for the beauty of their feathers alone, but when they learned of their life-giving power, the fate of the Enjirachs was sealed. In less than a century the last living Enjirach was slain and stripped of its purple treasure. Despite the value of the Enjirach feathers, some creatures were sloppily plucked. When the sacks were full, the hunters cared little for the last remaining feathers. Why spend the strength it took to rip these out of the bone, when they had all the gold they would ever need anyway? Also, some creatures managed to escape. When considered dead, the bird-like reptiles simply rose half stripped in the night and ate their sleepy captors.

The remaining Enjirachs cannot naturally die. What few feathers they retain keep them alive, but are not enough to restore them to a life of breathing. A long time ago their flesh fled their bones, and cold blood dripped out of dissolving veins. Flies and worms took care of the sinews and left-overs while their hardy skeletons stayed erect and mobile, enforced and animated by the magical power of the feathers.

Thus they hide, ashamed to display themselves in the open air. Lurking in places where a glimpse of sunlight is still available, they welcome all chances to take down the two-legged creatures that caused their living death. Patiently they harness their wrath, intelligent enough to know with certainty, that in time, people will enter their hide-outs, for shelter or curiosity, often in small groups, easily slain and devoured. Yes, eaten, not for the sake of nutrition, but for a taste of the old days, and for the humiliation of those still watching.

A few terrible stories however, speak of Enjirachs still surprisingly rich in plumes, which by stroking their kills with their remaining feathers, restores them to life only to slay them again. In such a way they keep them imprisoned in a limbo of pain, re-enacting their retribution until there is nothing left of the body to revive.

(Check out more creatures in the 'Creature Archive' menu to the left.)

© Copyright 2011 - Nicholas Cloister